Saturday, 9 February 2013

Recommitting to the Learning Community

Sometimes interacting on social media and the blogosphere is like traveling to a foreign country--you gain new perspectives, get excited about new ideas and meet wonderful people.  Also, similar to traveling, it's always great to get home, back to your friends, family, neighborhood and work.

I've been traveling the Internet and engaging in discussion about a vast array of educational ideas and practices--both challenging and affirming education paths.  I've been sending postcards (emails) about those ideas as I travel, some well received and others not.  My enthusiasm for the trip has been great as it has opened my eyes and strengthened my vision for what education can be.

Now, it's time to look at the learning community I work in with greater care and investment.  How can I truly use the new ideas, practice and vision to impact that community with strength and direction?  In what ways, may I share the information with colleagues so that it is well received, considered and debated for best effect?  How does this newfound information intersect with the values and vision of the community I serve?

I truly love the community where I teach. I've spent 27 years of my life there and my own children have profited from the investment and talents of my colleagues and the community.  It's a great place to work with so many attributes that make education prosper in young lives.  I'll continue to "travel" paths of new ideas, people and practice, but at the same time I want to make the time to invest with greater depth and purpose in the community where I work as that's where my work has potential for meaning and impact as the education landscape continues to change and evolve.

What does all this mean in real time?
  • A commitment to plan, teach, respond and revise curriculum with up-to-date research-based, targeted, engaging learning endeavor.
  • An open mind to the ideas, needs, interests and passions of the learning community i.e. students, educators, families, administrators, staff and community members.
  • Continued engagement in learning related to the work I do.
  • Collaboration and transparent communication to share ideas, questions, strategies and practice, but not to overwhelm.
  • Speaking up when policy, efforts and choice affect students' experience in school to debate, question and/or affirm.
  • Respect for all in the community in words and action.
  • A willingness to take risks and make mistakes as we "grow" schools and practice with students' interests, needs and passions as the focus.
  • Teaching and coaching students first, and curriculum second.
  • Engagement in activity outside of school life as "all school" makes teachers dull.
Education is a complex endeavor with many variables involved--an endeavor that calls us to consult our path regularly and make revisions accordingly.  Every so often it is imperative that we make the time to recommit to our learning communities or possibly change, I've made a decision to recommit.  Onward.

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