Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Building a Student-Focused Learning Environment: Ice Breakers

How do we shift collective school thought and action to "students first" in almost all we do?  That probably sounds like a silly question to those who work outside of schools as one generally thinks of a school as a student-centered environment.  Yet, for those of us in schools we know that curriculum and other matters sometimes trump what individual students need.

One way to foster a student-centered culture is to create ice breakers and introductory exercises at the start of the year or with new groups that pertain to student learning.  Here are a few ideas in that regard:
  • Describe your most significant teaching moment (in short form) in school or out of school.
  • Describe one specific activity or tool you use that has made a significant difference in student performance.
  • Tell about a routine you use that empowers students.
  • Share a question that you ask students that elicits excitement, interest and motivation.
  • Describe an "out of the box" idea you used to motivate a student.
  • Tell about a piece of evidence of student learning that meant a lot to you and demonstrated keen instruction and learning.
  • When thinking of "learning to learn" habits, routines and attitudes, describe one such "learning to learn" action and how you coach students in that regard.
  • What's one action you regularly employ that helps you to be a positive coach of students?
  • When it comes to feedback, what feedback do you provide that you feel optimizes learning success?
  • Bring a piece of student work that you're proud of to the meeting.  Show it to all and describe why that piece of work exemplifies an important belief you have about learning.
Starting the year, an initiative or any collegial endeavor with introductions and a student learning share can help to shift everyone's lens to the reason why we do our work: student engagement and success. This type of sharing also enriches the team's repertoire as we get to hear about all kinds of wonderful ideas.  Further a share like this builds respect and care towards each other because individual's heart, commitment and experience are evident in their words.

What exercises would you add to this list? 

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