Sunday, 7 April 2013

Endangered Species Unit Revision 2013--Part Two

I continue to think about and plan for our upcoming endangered species unit.  I'm very excited about growing the unit to include new learning for our entire learning community.  I started playing with the revision with greater intent today by conducting an endangered species search on Twitter and tweeting out a few endangered species' requests.  The posts and links I culled from the Twitter search were amazing.

Specifically, this is where we're headed with the unit.

First, I'll wet the students' appetite with an overview of the topic that introduces the current problem, thinking, and questions surrounding the study of endangered species including:
  • Why are species endangered?
  • Why are we worried about endangered species?
  • How can we save endangered species? What can we do in our every day life to help this cause, and what can we do as a larger society?
Next, I'll ask each child to come up with a question that they're concerned about related to endangered species.  Their questions will likely focus on a specific animal, problem, or solution. I'll also have the children start thinking about how they plan to share their information and what actions, advocacy, or change of mind they hope their information share will inspire.  I will provide an information share list of possible choices including slide show, song, skit, puppet show, poster, digital composition and more. 

Information Collection
After that I'll teach students how to create vehicles for information collection online or off.  Then I'll introduce students to the many online and offline resources available.  I'll provide a guided list for online resources to begin with. I'll emphasize the need to become an expert on the topic as expertise results in trust from those you share your information with and the chance for real solutions. 

Project Work
I'll provide tools online and off for student project work.  Students will receive coaching related to creating project plans, timelines, drafts, edits and completion.  

Project Rehearsal
Once projects are complete, students will begin rehearsing their project presentations.

We'll invite family members and perhaps others to our presentation.  Prior to the presentation we'll decide on a way in which we can assess our audience's learning and change of mind or habits.  

As a group and individually we'll assess our work.  As part of our assessment we'll note what we learned, challenge points, and success.

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